Fixed Implant Retained Hybrid Dentures (Fixed Hybrid Dentures) are also known as All-on-4 or All-on-X or Screw-Retained Dentures. This is the most complex denture that our Edmonton Denturists craft at ProCare Denture Clinic and Implant Centre in Edmonton. If you have lost or are about to lose all your upper or lower teeth a Fixed Hybrid Denture is the highest standard of care available to patients who are considering dentures. If you are about to lose your teeth or have already lost your teeth and wearing conventional dentures, then Fixed Hybrid Dentures are worth exploring as a top tier treatment option. This option provides a solution that is as similar as possible to natural teeth.
Less Bulky.
More Durable.
Superior Retention & Stability.
Most Natural Solution.
Fixed Hybrid Retained Denture treatment can go forward in a few different ways. Our Edmonton Denturists can help you determine the best way to proceed. If you are having teeth extracted or do not have teeth and have been wearing a conventional denture, the All-on-4 or All-on-X protocol is generally followed. Using the All-on-4 or All-on-X method allows a patient to have their teeth extracted, a minimum of 4 implants placed (or 6, or 8..), and a temporary or provisional fixed denture secured by screws to the implants – all within a day. The patient will wear the provisional denture for 3-6 months while the implants heal. After healing has occurred treatment continues with the making of the final denture. The final Fixed Hybrid Denture has a titanium bar that is encased within the denture and secured to the implants.
If you currently have a Removable Implant-Supported Denture (usually using locator implants) and have a minimum of 4 implants, the existing implants may be used as the foundation to make a Fixed Hybrid Implant Denture. After a proper assessment by our Edmonton Denturist is completed and it is determined that the existing implants can be used it is just a matter of changing some of the implant parts and fabricating a Fixed Implant Denture that encases a titanium bar which will be secured by screws to the implants.
Remember though, this is an implant denture that is fixed, or screwed into place, and isn’t taken out by the patient. It can only be removed at ProCare Denture Clinic and Implant Centre in Edmonton by one of our denture specialists or a dentist if needed (such as cleaning every 6-9 months). If you are someone who does not like the idea of taking dentures in and out of the mouth, this is the best solution for you.
When you think of surgery, you probably think about the pain, which might be your only reason for not going through with this procedure. In reality, it is relatively pretty pain-free. A person feels pain when nerves are severed or aggravated. If the dentist has correctly scanned and x-rayed your jaws the location of the nerves is mapped. After the dentist applies the usual anesthetics to keep the pain away during the surgery, he can use this map to place the implants so they will not severe or aggravate the nerves. As a precaution, the dentist will provide you with pain medications that can be used during the healing period, just in case.
The first question denture patients as our denturists at ProCare Denture Clinic and Implant Centre have about any dental procedure, especially when related to implants, is: What does it cost? A Fixed Hybrid Denture, All-on-4, All-on-X or Screw Retained Denture includes at least 4 implants, the Provisional Denture, and the final Fixed Hybrid Denture. Please visit our Fee Guide Page at this link for pricing. FEE GUIDE PAGE. The implant procedures will be completed at one of our preferred dental partners' clinics and the dentures will be fabricated on-site at ProCare Denture Clinic.
YIKES! Yes, that is a lot of money. However, even though this is a bit more than twice the cost of a Removable Implant Retained Denture with Locator attachments, a Fixed Hybrid Denture requires more appointments, more time making the dentures (temporary and final Fixed Hybrid Denture) plus the cost of the titanium bar and other parts that are not needed for other types of dentures.
Should the cost of a Fixed Hybrid Implant Denture, All-on-4, All-on-X or Screw Retained Denture prove prohibitive for an individual, there are options to consider that can put all within reach and save you time and money. At ProCare Denture Clinic and Implant Centre in Edmonton we have found that the iFinance Dental/Dentalcard online application is fast and easy. It takes just minutes to complete the application and a response is usually received within a couple of hours.
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